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Posted on: September 1, 2020

Endoscopic surveillance and follow-up

The British Society of Gastroenterology published new medical guidelines in October 2019, for people who have an increased risk of bowel cancer due to inherited or genetic conditions. The Polyposis Syndromes were included in this document and it means a slightly different approach to our lower endoscopic screening (colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy screening). Please click on this link to see the full publication

We now offer a personalised approach to screening, dependant on your individual risk (the number of polyps you have in your large bowel or remaining rectum/pouch) so please don’t be alarmed if you notice different surveillance recommendations on your endoscopy report. You should be booked a telephone clinic or receive a letter explaining your results but if you do have any questions or concerns following your procedure, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Download our app in the app store or on android devices (search ‘polyposis’) to see the full surveillance recommendations for your type of polyposis. Please note that the app was devised to help guide healthcare professionals so some of the language is medically orientated.

Due to the endoscopy backlog after COVID19, it will no longer be possible to guarantee face to face clinic review on the same day as your endoscopy appointment. We have introduced video consultations in addition to our telephone clinics and we will now contact you by letter, telephone clinic or video consultation as appropriate. It is hoped that this will make our services more efficient and reduce unnecessary travel. You can still be seen face-to-face if you are unwell or it is felt that this is the best approach to plan your care.